Friday, December 12, 2008

barr - summary (2007)

Aside from making music under the pseudonym BARR, Brendan Fowler co-runs Dog Pony Record and co-edits an art magazine known as ANP Quarterly. Below is his second album "Summary" available for download. Overall it is a lot more polished than his previous album, "Beyond Reinforced Jewel Case" from 2005. I guess most of this can be attributed that more of the songs on "Summary" are a lot more like actual "songs". 

BARR's music mainly consists of Fowler talking, yelling, and conversing over minimal compositions usually consisting of piano and drums. On his most recent release Fowler is accompanied by a backing band which I think really helped him a lot. As an educated jazz drummer Fowler does have musical talent, despite what some may think. 

 Personally, I think that the dialogues that Fowler creates are really interesting. I think one of the main things that makes BARR enjoyable is that Brendan Fowler's voice is really pleasant to listen to. His attitude is refreshing and he just seems like a great guy that you would want to hang out with. 

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