for fans of: bright eyes, m.ward, kevin devine

So for anyone that hasn't liked the direction that Bright Eyes has been moving in recently you might want to check out this album. While there are some songs that are more country-ish like the recent Bright Eyes stuff, there are also a lot of tracks that bring back the stripped down sound of Oberst's older albums. I wasn't really even anticipating this album that much when it was released but I am glad that it is as good as it is. Some of my favorite tracks are "Get-Well-Cards," "Lenders In The Temple," and "Souled Out!!!"
for fans of: tera melos, minus the bear, ghosts and vodka

I don't like this album as much as Maps & Atlases' previous record, "Trees, Swallows, Houses," but this is still a great album none the less. Mathrock is not usually a very accessible genre but with this album Maps & Atlases have changed that. It isn't common to find a band that combines technicality with pop sensibility but Maps & Atlases have done it. With layered guitars and unique vocals "Me and You and the Mountain" is a great record.
for fans of: maps & atlases, algernon cadwallader, ghosts and vodka

Okay so this band is preeeeetty similar to Maps & Atlases, but better. For anyone who is bothered by the vocals of Maps & Atlases (I know that this is a controversial issue) then I suggest you take a listen to This Town Needs Guns. The vocals in this band absolutely soar over the complex instrumentation, another key factor to the groups sound. This band is from Britain and I think pretty popular over there right now, I expect them to blow up in the US soon enough.
for fans of: pelican, maudlin of the well, oxbow

A few years ago Kayo Dot rose from the ashes of a band called maudlin of the Well. Both bands are fronted by composer and vocalist Toby Driver. And both bands are awesome. Kayo Dot's sound can only be described as avant-garde metal combined with ambient chamber music. The band's instrumentation consists of conventional rock instruments like drums and guitar but also includes others such as violin, french horn, saxophone, clarinet, etc. Blue Lambency Downward is a lot mellower than past releases from Kayo Dot in that the more "metal" moments are few and far between. This isn't a bad thing though, I think where Kayo Dot really excel is in their calm, dark, ambient moments. If you are into forward thinking metal then check out this record. Also make sure to listen to maudlin of the Well.
for fans of: you know what kanye sounds like

Maybe some of you could have seen this coming, but this is an amazing record. With "808s and Hearbreaks" Kanye West has reinvented himself if not mainstream hip hop itself. I think that the release of this album is amazing in that this is not a mainstream record and it is not what one would expect from Kanye West. He has been criticized for his use of auto-tune and his inability to sing but to me, these things only make this album even better. 808s is an album that is really about honesty and it succeeds at that. Finally Kanye has been able to say what he wants to say and put himself out there and make the album he really wants to make.
Well everyone, this has been fun! I really enjoyed putting this list together and I can't wait to do it again next year. I've never really payed close attention to each years releases but it is an interesting experience to see how each year is different and how different artists grow and change. I didn't listen to a lot of new music this year but making this list was still fun and I'll pay better attention to new music next year.
2009 here we come.
kevin devine sucks
i am so happy with your no. 1 pick. uncontestable. good job nicholas.
i'm glad you agree with my number one choice, but kevin devine ROCKS
nick, i've only completed listening to every album from the first half post, and im already really impressed. youve introduced me to all new, realy smzing music. i love it. crystal castles are ill, and cool kids---iller
i cant believe i didnt know about them already. why/alopecia is sick too.
great post--im about to d/l the next five now.
(although your number 1 choice I refused to buy because i believe kanye is a rapper at heart-but since u picked it ill give it a shot.)
wow thanks dude!
I'm glad that you like my blog so much and that I can provide you with new free music.
thanks a ton!
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